SO! here's jus a pic for ya (= its been forever but i thot i needed to post.
The pic of me and kay was last saturday..and yes we were in the middle of a field. Our boyfriends kicked us off the fourwheelers and they went riding. :) losers.
ANYWAYS..it was awesome fun tho. I miss tht grl rite there!
Not much has been goin on lately..i dont think i've posted about Trent?
Okay About Trent. :)
3 weeks ago this sunday i met Trent at Old Paths Baptist Church where his brother pastors, and we started talking. Well, the next Thurs nite.. he asked daddy's permission to date me and daddy said yes! :) im so so excited! we've been dating for 2 weeks yesterday and they've been the best 2 weeks ever. :)
So anyways, thts the only new major thing..i think?
=) its great.
School has been difficult the past month or so..jus cuz its so hard and me being alone and everything isnt helping. But i'm almost done..THANK GOODNESS! My senior year will b a breeze...or thts wat i'm hoping anyways. I'm dyin to get a job this summer so we'll see how tht goes! ha :)
Lets see...
i'm thinkin thts all the exciting stuff for now..if i have to pry it outta my mind tht prob means its borin. :)
SO..hope this caught everyone up on everything!
Loves yall.
<3 Faithie <3